This week on SVN International’s weekly newsletter, their Product Council Spotlight highlighted Chamberlan Carothers, CCIM, CPM. Carothers currently serves as the National Council Chair of Property Management for SVN International. Below is the featured article.
WHAT LED YOU TO THE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY? Commercial Real Estate is a family affair for me. My father is a Broker, Asset Manager, and former General Contractor. He has been in the industry for over 50 years, and from an early age, I was always watching him with great amazement as he would build, maintain, and then renovate properties once again. Following a property’s life cycle, there are different challenges along the way that require new thinking, and I have always gotten satisfaction from that challenge.
HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED IN THE CRE INDUSTRY? I was first licensed as an agent when I was 23, so 20 years now. However, the CRE industry is something I have been a part of my entire life. I was changing HVAC filters during the summers when I was fifteen.
WHY DID YOU JOIN SVN? Culture! We looked at several different national options when choosing a flag and all offered unique opportunities. SVN was the only place I felt my values and commitment were matched by everyone else on the team, both corporate and franchises.
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE AN ASPIRING ADVISOR? Take a hard look at starting a portion of your career in Property Management. It will give you a much richer understanding of the properties you hope to broker in the future, give you real-world application of industry terms, and give you a consistent paycheck early on which is a big help to those starting off in CRE.
WHAT EXCITES YOU MOST ABOUT WORKING IN COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE? The vastness of knowledge we get to experience is by far the most exciting thing to me! From finance to construction to human behavior patterns, we use aspects from many different disciplines to successfully work a deal. It is amazing to be a part of it.
WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR PROUDEST MOMENT AND/OR MOST MEMORABLE TRANSACTION WHILE WORKING AT SVN? My proudest moment has to be sitting on the panel discussion for the first time as the Council Chair of Property Management at our 2020 annual conference in Palm Springs.
WHAT DO YOU HOPE AND/OR EXPECT TO SEE FROM THE CRE INDUSTRY IN 2021? My biggest hope is that everyone in the industry can fully get back to operations in 2021. My expectation is we will continue to have more challenges in the major markets, and secondary and tertiary markets will have the most growth.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO WHEN YOU AREN’T WORKING? Most of my non-working hours are spent chasing three young boys under the age of 9, so my incredible wife can get a break. My free time mostly revolves around watching soccer matches, watching trains, and general foolishness!
Chamberlan Carothers, CCIM, CPM, National Council Chair of Property Management

Chamberlan Carothers currently serves as the National Council Chair of Property Management for SVN International and Managing Director for SVN | Southgate Realty, LLC, Chamberlan is a leading source for multifamily management and investment sales in the Gulf South markets. Chamberlan currently holds the designations of Certified Investment Member (CCIM) and Certified Property Manager (CPM). Chamberlan is a former Mississippi State president for the Institute of Real Estate Management, former state president for the Mississippi Multifamily Council, former state Board of Directors member for the Mississippi Apartment Association, and former state Board of Directors member for the Home Builders Association of Mississippi.
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